Geocoding examples
Geocoding examples
The Pinnacle Walk is an example in Google Maps and Google Earth (download the doc.kml file and open it in Google Earth). It was developed to demonstrate mapping out a proposed walk, navigating the route and capturing GPS data and photographs, then geocoding the photos taken and displaying them in place. The example was presented in a paper at the 2007 Apple University Consortium Conference held at the Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The paper and the presentation are available for download.
Pinnacle Walk
The Grand High Tops walk is in the Warrumbungle National Park. In this example, the photos are stored on Panoramio. This example works particularly well in Google Earth: download the Grand_High_Tops_20071017.kmz file and open it up in Google Earth. Select the track and play the tour.
Grand High Tops
17 October 2007
This example shows the photographs in Google Maps in the order they were taken: a problem with the way Maps displays the list of photos. If the View Larger Map link under the image doesn’t work, try this one.
Marble Arch
22 July 2007